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My First Ever Flight in England, UK (With a Crosswind Landing), at Wycombe Air Park In a Cessna 152
Practicing CROSSWIND circuits at Wycombe Air Park in the Cessna 152 in Microsoft Flight Simulator
Attempting the "Impossible Turn" at Wycombe Air Park in Microsoft Flight Simulator
My First Solo At Booker Aviation.
Cessna 152 Landing at Netherthorpe Airfield
Wycombe Air Park also known as Booker Airfield
Wycombe Air Park (EGTB) Free Flight With a Cessna 172 [XP11]
Wycombe Air Park - Busy Tower ATC
Episode 5: First takeoff & landing (and mistake!)
Cessna 152 - Lee on solent Flight (MSFS 2020)
Take 1 of wycombe air park.wmv
Jamie's PPL VLOG - Episode 3 - Lesson 1, 2 & 3